❖ PART I. The Birth of Homo Mobilians
∙ Homo Mobilians
∙ Network power
∙ Network Science
∙ Waiting for the Smart World
❖ PART II. The Evolution of Homo Mobilians
∙ Smart Phone and the Evolution into Cyborg
∙ Social Network and the Evolution into Super-Humans
∙ Evolution into the Age of Big Data
∙ Waiting for the Smart World
❖ PART III. Smart World: Convergence of Time, Space, and Man
∙ Convergence of Time, Space and Man
∙ Convergence of Media
∙ Convergence of Living
∙ Convergence of the World
∙ Moving Forward to the Singular Point
∙ Waiting for the Smart World
❖ PART IV. Evolution of the Smart Phone
∙ The Future of the Smart Phone
∙ The Smart Phone and the Five Senses
∙ Social Elements of Smart Phone
∙ Humanization of the Smart Phone
∙ Waiting for the Smart World
❖ PART V. Future of the Social Network
∙ The Age of Social Networking
∙ Expansion of the Social Network
∙ Attributes of Social Networks
∙ Diverse Viewpoints on Social Networks
∙ Socialization Examples
∙ Waiting for the Smart World
❖ PART VI. The Future of Homo Mobilians
∙ A Day in a Homo Mobilian? Life
∙ The Dark Side of the Homo Mobilians
∙ Is the Smart World a Good World?
∙ Globalization of the ?enefit all Man?Philosophy
∙ Waiting for the Smart World