배재고등학교 졸업
성균관대학교 경상대학 졸업
한국외국어대학교 경영대학원 졸업(경영학 석사)
서울 소재 법률 사무소에서 근무함
저서: 장편소설 『선악과』 1, 2권(북과징, 2009년), 『HEAVEN 영문법』(지식과감성#, 2021년),
『행복과 축복』(시(詩) 그리고 성경)(지식과감성#, 2022년)
Graduated from Paichai High School in Seoul.
Graduated from the Business School at Sungkyunkwan Uuiversity in Seoul (B.A. in Economics).
Graduated from the Graduate School of Business at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul (M.B.A.).
He worked for a law firm in Seoul.
Books written by author: long novel “Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge” (Volume 1, 2) (Publisher Buk & Jing, 2009),
“English Grammar HEAVEN” (Publisher Knowledge & Sensibility, 2021),
“Happiness and Blessings” (Poems and the Bible) (Publisher Knowledge & Sensibility, 2022)